Sunday, January 21, 2018

From the Deep- Part 2

The family campaign continues and we made some good progress this weekend. I was especially happy with the different scenarios presented to our PCs and seeing how it all played out. Looking forward to what happens at our next session!

The party left their home near Mosstone and journeyed south along the Trade Way towards Zazesspur.  100 miles of road and the Starspire Mountains lie along a journey that took them four days.  Forgoing teaming up with a caravan the party headed south on their own feet, eager to make good time. 

On the first day they helped a family in a broken wagon along the road, Nathan the cleric of Torm easily mending the broken wheel with his magic.  That night they visited a small roadside village that was in the middle of their FirstBloom festival.  Eager to participate in the fun, Nathan and Eddenfall donated 1gp each and signed up for the goulash eating contest.  They faced a wide array of competitors including the reigning champion Valgar the Voluminous.  They consumed bowl after bowl of the spicy concoction.  Nathan, Valgar and the other competitors eventually either tapped out or....returned what they had eaten.  In the end only Eddenfall the wizard remained.  As a reward he received the blessing of Chauntea and a minor boon to be used later. 

On the second day they continued south and healed a wounded traveler by the side of the road.  A storm moved in and after hours walking in the cold and pouring rain they sought shelter in a tiny hamlet, finding it abandoned recently.  Cautiously taking watches as they rest they reacted in time to bar the door from two ghouls that were attracted by their presence.  While keeping the monsters focused on the front door Tarysia the ranger broke out a back window and flanked the ghouls while hitting them with arrows.  Eddenfall followed but soon the monsters were on them.  Nathan dove through a window and joined the battle, eventually downing the two creatures. 

On the third day the party entered the Starspire Mountains and came upon a caravan of horse traders from Calimport.  They were under attack by a hippogriff.  Nathan stabilized a dying horse while Eddenfall conjured an illusion of a gryphon.  This gave the hippogriff pause and Tarysia was able to use a spell to communicate enough with the creature to drive it off.  Then using their medicine they were able to heal the injured horses and return them to a grateful caravan owner.  At the end of the day the party spotted a set of deer tracks and followed it through the woods.  Tarysia downed the animal with one shot and the group field dressed it to take back to camp.  Unfortunately a pack of four wolves smelled the kill and tried to take it for themselves.  Both Eddenfall and Nathan fell at one point but well timed healing magic kept them in the battle enough to defeat the wolves.  With dinner an now four wolf pelts the party made camp for the night. 

On the fourth and final day the party came upon a battle in progress in a narrow mountain pass.  Three humans were surrounded by ten kobolds.  As the party arrived the humans called for help while the kobolds stopped their assault.  A few were down from each side and the kobold leader accused the humans of stealing their dragon egg while the humans claimed innocence.  The party managed to calm the situation and stabalize the wounded.  Talking to the humans they found they had bought an egg from a party of gnomes with delusions of raising the dragon as their own personal steed and mascot.  Tarysia convinced the humans of their error and the kobolds to pay a small fee to the humans to cover their losses.  As a last act, Nathan healed all the injured parties and the groups went on their way.
Several hours later, as the sun began to set over the sea the party reached the gates of Zazzespur. 

For anyone who would like the DM notes for this part of the campaign, please use the following link:

Notes written by David Musgrave January 2018

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