Monday, July 16, 2018

A Memoir of My First Convention: Origins 2018 and All Its Magic

When I first booked the flight and hotel for this event, I intended on going and just absorbing all there was to it. But, after finding out I could have a press badge due to the channel and get to interact with people I chat with online daily, I realized this was going to be a great chance to finally get to hangout with them.

What I didn't expect is becoming a part of a great mini Wizkids Beholder Master Class hosted by Vallejo Acrylics and run by my good friends Jason and Joel of RealmSmith TV.

There were other personalities who would be painting their own beholder, so we got to create a custom look.
I decided that a tree frog would be a fun bit of inspiration for my beholder. Jason pulled the colors needed from the Vallejo paints being used, and away we went painting the beholder to a full house of eager painters. 

We enjoyed chatting with each other and attendees while we painted and I'm so happy with the end result. My guy is vivid and eye catching, just as I had hoped.

Here they are all done and glowering at the crowd once the painting class was over.

The next morning I got up and got out to check out some booths I had my eye on from emails and contacts prior to Origins 2018 actually starting. I knew I HAD to get over to the War on Christmas Village booth, run by my friend Joe. The first pass he wasn't there, so I visited a few others. When I wrapped back around there he was! We had a great time chatting. I managed to get a video livestreaming on my Facebook page, and he even gave me a box of some of the minis! Those will be making an appearance over the summer at some point on my YouTube channel. So keep an eye out for those guys!

During this whirlwind day I got to meet DM Scotty and his lovely wife. We first went together to get our bag of swag. Oh there were so many awesome goodies in there, which of course I forgot to get a pic of since I gave to the hubs and kids as soon as I got home.

Later that day I managed to get in a game as well. Scotty is an amazing DM/GM. He brings humor and excitement to his table and it is truly contagious. I loved the layouts he had throughout the game and it was incredible getting to see some of his work right there in front of you. 

The group of guys playing were fantastic too! They really go into it and as a result, we were the 1st group Scotty ever had in this game to actually all survive. Go us!

I also managed to watch the livestream game that featured the gorgeous Dwarven Forge terrain,which had been living under a thick black cover for most of the event. It was incredible sitting there and seeing what goes on behind the scenes and watching the interactions right there in front of you. 

While there, I regrouped with Jason and Joel. I also had a chance to finally connect with Satine. Although I had hoped to do an interview with her earlier that day, an unexpected shift in her schedule made it so it wasn't possible. She is who you see her as on the screen. Eager and friendly, full of energy, and she introduced me to others who were there after the game was done. That's how I managed to get the amazing coin that means the absolute world to me from Stefan of Dwarven Forge himself!

We ended up grabbing a bite to eat after the game and were in good company with Satine and Ruty. They are lovely people who are super enthusiastic about what they do. It was fascinating listening to their stories and finding out more about who they are as people. 

The next morning, I went back to the RealmSmith booth to show a little bit of Scotty getting a chance to paint a Beholder as well. He had a super full house! More tables and chairs needed to be found because of the turnout. No surprise there of course. 

After that, it was more wandering and checking out other booths. I managed to snag some items for the kids and hubs while there. Then had a late lunch, did some chatting with other people attending the event, and then that evening, I stopped by to watch Satine, Ruty, and Holly Conrad paint up their beholders, as did many others!

The wonderful thing about this particular session was how into everyone got into the zen of painting. The beholders all ended up looking great and unique, and it was another night of grabbing dinner with Holly and a very entertaining guy, named Dan. Then off we went into the night to celebrate the last evening at Origins.

I fell in love with Origins that weekend. I don't think I could have asked for a better 1st time experience at a convention either. I definitely plan on going back next year that is for sure, and I will be attending a couple others before this year is out!

To everyone I got to meet there, thank you for shaping these memories with me. I am beyond grateful for the connections I made and hope they continue!

*I had hoped to get this out far earlier than I did, but a hectic personal schedule kept me from being able to do so until almost a month later! I still think on it fondly and always will.

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