Tuesday, February 6, 2018

From the Deep Part 3- Home Brew Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Game

We spent this session in the town only, so not too many set changes but there was still lots of action. As always, the write up was done by David and notes for this are included in the link following it. Also, we finally enjoyed our new minis painted and present on the table! Hoooray! ~Vee~

The sun had started to fall as the party entered the northern gates of Zazesspur. They quickly found an inn, choosing a moderately priced establishment that provided hot food, a bath and a warm bed. 

The next day the party decided to first visit a marketplace and through a little haggling sold off their wolf and deer pelts for a bit of gold (20gp). With some work they found an apothecary and purchased some healing herbs but passed on more advanced medicines. They also passed on a shady invitation to visit a vendor of special items. 

The party traveled to the docks to visit The Salty Froth tavern but on the way they came across a press gang of four sailors dragging two unconscious people towards a ship. Deciding to intervene, negotiations failed and Eddenfall launched an opening volley of burning hands. Using his expertise at evocation he curved his flames around the fallen prisoners and dropped two of the four sailors, heavily burning the other two. Nathan flourished his mace and the two survivors took off running.

After a little first aid the two prisoners express their gratitude and identify themselves as Bruin and Branda Killgarden, two local nobles who like to 'slum it up' in the dockside taverns. They resisted the sailors efforts to 'recruit' them and were promptly knocked out. Bruin is deeply embarrassed that he has no money, the sailors appear to have robbed him, but says if the party could visit his family estate they would be well rewarded. 

The party continued to The Salty Froth tavern, finding it to be little more than a small shack. They ordered their Chultan wine but on the way out they angered a dwarven berserker who could not be pacified. He got in a few good punches on Eddenfall but eventually was knocked out by a comb
ination of well placed blows, and a hold spell. They left the tavern and made their way to the Killgarden estate. On the way they got a little turned around and wandered into a slum. They were attacked by a small gang of bandits that were easily wiped out. Making it to the Killgarden estate they were handsomely rewarded by Sir Killgarden. 

The next day they made their way back to the tavern to meet up with Finn. However on the way they were stopped by four sailors and their boss, a leader in the Blood Sails gang. Through good strategy and a few well timed spells the party easily defeated their attackers. Shortly afterwards Finn came out of the shadows clapping and congratulated the party on their ability to handle such a challenge. He introduced himself and took them to a nice inn where they can talk before leaving on a ship the next day for the Moonshae Isles. 

Notes written and shared with permission by David January 2018


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